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Posted by on Apr 12, 2021 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Business functions with London Escorts

Business functions functions has become an important part of London escorts services. I have been working in the escorts service for the past ten years. First I worked for a VIP escort service in London, and eventually I made my way up the career ladder. Two years ago I started London escorts, and it has surprised me how many gents enjoy the company of London escorts services. Of course, business functions can be really boring and I suppose my girls from London escorts make the party a bit more fun. Here in London, we are not a million miles away from Gatwick airport. More and more businessmen now meet at airport hotels for their business functions, and Gatwick airport is no different. Lots of the lovely ladies from London escorts attend business functions at various Gatwick airport hotels, and it certainly seems to be appreciated by gents. As owner of London escorts, I have been to some of the functions and gents do seem to appreciate the talents of my London escorts. I have to say that the girls who work for London escorts seem to appreciate attending functions as well. When London escorts first started to attend business functions, the girls were not too keen. They said that they felt a bit awkward attending functions, but I did my best to encourage all of the girls at London escorts to go to functions. After all, it is an excellent way of building up your dating diary. Now, a lot of the girls at London escorts from are falling over themselves to go to business function in and around Gatwick. Take London escorts anywhere

The custom of inviting escorts such as London escorts seems to have come from Japan. In Japan it is very common for geisha girls to be invited to business functions, and the same seem to have taken of here. I don’t have any Japanese girls working for me at London escorts but I do have girls from several other countries working for me. The truth is that these businessmen come from all over the world, and they are just as happy to meet Polish born London escorts as they are English born escorts. Many of the girls who work for London escorts speak several languages as well, and that helps a great deal. I think that this is the main reason why so many of my girls attend business functions. Of course, the girls who work for London escorts are very pretty as well, and they are super sexy. I try to go out of my way to recruit both smart and sexy girl for London escorts services and that seems to have paid off in a big way. We are probably one of the more popular escorts services in the local area. Businessmen enjoy London escorts


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